University of Redlands
Summary of Experience
Manager and Leader.
Direct all facets of the 7,500 square foot campus fitness center including:
Planning, scheduling, and organization of events.
Budget oversight of approximately $130,000.
Membership of approximately 2500 students, employees, and community members.
Maintenance of building and equipment.
Purchasing of equipment and supplies.
Drafting and implementation of facility policies and procedures.
Personnel decisions, onboarding, development, and oversight of 20-25 employees annually.
Direct the rebuild and redesign of the outdoor varsity weight room known as “The Bone Yard”.
Direct project funding through the sale of tangible fixed assets and campaign funding.
Direct all purchasing of equipment and subsequent facility design and layout to meet all standards set by the NSCA as well as federal, state, and local laws.
Train and oversee 4-8 undergraduate student-interns annually.
Coaches from this group have gone on to receive full-time positions with the San Francisco 49ers, San Jose State University, KU Performance, the University of Redlands, Yucaipa High School, and Brawley Union High School.
Broker and implement a sponsorship agreement with the company Muscle Milk (Cytosport).
Work directly with 20-25 sports coaches in the recruitment and retention of over 500 incoming and current student-athletes annually.
Author and Presenter.
NSCA Strength and Conditioning Journal.
Exercise Technique: Coaching Considerations for Tire Flip
Present 1-2 times annually to University of Redlands coaches, administration, and staff on matters relative to athletic performance.
Coach and Educator.
Oversee the design and implementation of comprehensive strength and conditioning programs for 21 NCAA Division III varsity sports which includes approximately 550 student-athletes.
Conduct onboarding, evaluation, needs assessment, program design and implementation, and review of skill acquisition and performance characteristics of the student-athlete population.
Work collaboratively with the sports medicine staff in the rehabilitative and reconditioning process of injured athletes.
Conceptualize, design, and deliver education on various topics relative to athletic performance, health and wellness, and life skills to student-athletes, coaches, and athletic department administration. Activities include:
Round table discussion.
Literature review.
Review and reflection.
Conceptualize, design, deliver, and oversee an undergraduate internship. Including:
Curriculum development for practical/applied coursework.
Curriculum development, proposal, and instruction for the pedagogical course Fundamentals of Strength Training and Conditioning.
Execution of coaching/teaching skills.
Review and evaluation of the real-world application.
Conceptualize, design, and instruct the first-year seminar entitled It’s Your Choice: The Performance Lifestyle. In addition to the traditional course load (curriculum design, lesson planning, evaluation, etc.), responsibilities that accompany first-year seminar instruction include:
Acclimation and retention of 20 collegiate freshmen.
Serve as the students' academic advisor.
Instruction of essential life and academic skill, student life integration, and academic course load.
Serve as an adjunct faculty member. Courses taught include:
Personalized Fitness.
Weight Training.